Recipe ideas

Recipe of Courgettes cured ham

  • Serves : 4
  • 4 slices of Maison Loste Serrano cured ham
  • 4 courgettes
  • 400g chopped tomatoes
  • 250g mozzarella
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh basil
  • Fleur de sel
  • Freshly ground pepper
Recipe details

Heat the oven to 180°C. 

Slice the mozzarella, arrange on a plate covered with a paper towel and leave to rest.


Wash the courgettes, then halve them and hollow them out with a teaspoon. Steam the courgettes for 2 to 3 minutes. 


Fry the chopped tomatoes in a saucepan over a high heat for 12 minutes to reduce them. Season with salt and pepper.


Cut the cured ham into strips and place ¾ in the bottom of the courgette, then fill with the chopped tomato sauce before adding the mozzarella slices and the rest of the cured ham.


Drizzle with olive oil and bake for 15 minutes (so that the cheese melts and the ham is crunchy).


Serve warm with a twist of freshly ground pepper and fresh basil.


Tip : 

Mix things up by changing the stuffed vegetables according to the season...tomatoes, aubergines, mushrooms, etc. or by replacing the mozzarella with goat's cheese, comté or another favourite cheese !